Our Worship

The heart of our worship is the weekly celebration of the Holy Eucharist – the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion.   

We combine ancient tradition with contemporary language that seeks to include participants and give meaning to daily life.  Everyone is welcome to receive the bread and wine during Communion.  

In addition to Sunday morning celebrations, we have an Evening Prayer service on Wednesdays and special services during Holy Week, Easter and Christmas.


8 A.M Sunday Morning Worship

This is a smaller celebration of the Holy Eucharist with a more contemplative feel.  We gather in the Parish Hall for a light breakfast and conversation afterwards.

10 A.M. Sunday Morning Worship with Music

This is a larger celebration of the Choral Eucharist featuring the St. James’ Choir.

Child care is available most weeks, but not required. Older children are invited to participate in the children’s story portion of the mass, sitting at the altar for passage reflection.

Following worship, we gather in the Parish Hall for a festive coffee hour, and happily invite you to join.

This service is also available on Zoom. Sign up for the Weekly Newsletter for the Zoom link.

6:30 P.M. Wednesday Evening Worship

We gather in the middle of the week for Evening Prayer, a brief service with psalms, readings, prayers and silence.

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